Rauemi mō ngā Ringa Toi
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Payment for Speaking Requests
A guide to charging for speaking requests. How to raise the topic of payment, how to negotiate, and example rates
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A tikanga guide to intellectual property - Requesting Permission to use Taonga, and if taonga has been used without permission
Continue readingDownload fileOpen linkWatch videoMāori Creative Panel at 30+ years of the Mataatua Declaration
Discussion by Toi Iho IP Rōpū Member Aroha Mead, Toi Iho Board Member Larissa McMillan and Toi Iho Te Ara Whakarei Julie Paama-Pengally at the Mataatua Celebrations
Continue readingDownload fileOpen linkWatch videoMaking Money as an Artist
Wānanga on making money as an Artist held at Te Papa Tngare | The museum of New Zealand on June 24th 2024 Speakers include Jude Dods - Kura Galley Peggy Robinson - Page Gallery Tania Tupu - Te Papa Retail Linda Munn
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