Ngāti Porou, Ngāi Tane, Te Whānau ā Takimoana, Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Kuta
Elizabeth is an advocate of Māori arts and culture. She initiated Haerewa, Toi o Tamaki, Auckland Art Gallery in 1994 and as Chair, shel ed delegations to Berlin, Pilsen and San Francisco with the Lindauer Māori Portraits exhibition. She resigned in late 2020.
She is Chair of the Wairau Māori Art Gallery Charitable Trust and was of its forerunner, Māori Advisory Panel. Since 2010, she has also served as Chair of the Toi Iho Charitable Trust. She is a Life Member of the Auckland Institute and Museum 1964 and has been an inaugural Trustee on the Judith Binney Trust Te Toimairangi o Te Aroha since 2013.
Elizabeth graduated from Elam School of Fine Arts, The University of Auckland. She was on the New Zealand Arts Foundation for seven years; CNZ Council three years and Chair of Te Waka Toi, the Māori Arts Boardof CNZ nine years (1994–2006); NZ Representative on the Council of Pacific Artsand Culture, SPC Noumea 1996-2006 when she led the NZ delegations with Dame Te Atairangikahu to Samoa, New Caledonia and the Republic of Palau.
She was on the International Federation of Arts Cuncils and Cultural Agencies (1999-2006). Elizabeth’s professional background is in Art Education and Education Evaluation.
Join Toi Iho, empowering creative Māori expression and fostering cultural resurgence.